American Trolley
One has to move along the entire group from the starting point to the finish line with the help of the limited provided props (Trolleys). Most importantly, the balancing has to be maintained.
One has to move along the entire group from the starting point to the finish line with the help of the limited provided props (Trolleys). Most importantly, the balancing has to be maintained.
Suitable for all the age groups, the hanging rope climbing is a fun and adventurous game. This activity gives the climbers an opportunity to fulfill their own challenge and assist each other when the level gets tough. This game lightens up unity and team spirit within all the players as the goal can not be accomplished unless or until they work together.
Suitable for all age groups, on this high net element, participants will have to cross a vertical net with the use of their hand and feet.The slack in the net line is a huge challenge in itself. Participants will themselves discover that there are a few ways of using the hand line for their benefit.Also, they will have to make few adjustments in technique as they move along!
Commando crawl is probably the first way to feel like baby. It starts by shuffling around on tummy. Children learn to balance on hand and knee. From this position, they will learn to push off with knees whilst moving forward and backward.
It is similar to rope zipline but it has got channels of rope.It has no degree but the person has to use on thrust to reach other point of the activity.
Tyre Crawling is like commando crawling. Participant does crawling on tyre instead of ground.
It is 30 feet long steel wire hung between 2 separate points. Person can start by holding the handle from starting point & by the force of gravity, he will reach the end points where he can allite.
Burma bridge consists of a thick rope for walking upon, and two ropes to hold on, whilst the bridge stretches while you walk on it. It is an exciting activity for all the age groups. Also for those, who are willing to try something new.
An artificial wall is made with grips for hands and feet. A person has to climb this wall in order to accomplish the task. Such kind of activities rise up the team spirit and dedication of performing and completing an activity.
The two ends of rope are tied at poles (at some height) placed at some distance. One has to maintain the balance and walk on the rope. The safety measures are all taken.